We all love Drupal and to put it at the center of our projects, but is that always where it belongs?
Often we need to combine Drupal with other tools to build a truly great solution, and those integrations can get complicated. Picking between competing features, understanding how multiple APIs will interact, while keeping costs reasonable can be intimidating even for experienced developers.
Leveraging our experience integrating Drupal with many other tools and APIs, we'll talk about steps for figuring out when Drupal belongs at the center of your project, or if it should be at the edge. This is a session for anyone who neesd to look at the big picture of their project and where Drupal fits into that picture.
We will share strategies for picking tools the go well together and helping plan a project that can help take your organization to the next level.
Schedule Overview
Friday, October 18
Concurrent Sessions | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
View the ScheduleAfter-Party | 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
We get together to enjoy some food, beverages and great conversations with other Drupalers.
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