This year's Drupalcamp Atlanta was themed "Back to School with Drupal", to help foster lifelong learning round Drupal for K-12, Higher Education, Professional / Continuing Education and Drupal Training constituents.  The programming around this theme is a combination of training and concurrent sessions.

Drupal Training - Get Started With Drupal & Pantheon by Doug Vann 

Friday, October 3rd | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Room 460 | Costs: $25 (includes lunch)

Maybe you know nothing about Drupal, but you've heard that it's really really hard. Maybe you've played around with it and been blindsided by some of the quirkiness of the user interface and complexity. Maybe you've gotten kind of far, but you feel like you missed out on the foundations of Drupal and wish you had a better grasp of how Drupal works.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, join me as we spend a whole day building a simple, but powerful, blog and article site together as a class.

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Drupal in Ed Summit  

Saturday, October 4th | 8:00 am - 5:00pm | Costs: Included as part of Drupalcamp Atlanta's registration

This track focuses on Drupaler's who are dedicated to education whether K-12, Higher Education, Professional / Continuing Education and Drupal Training.  Our goal is to provide sessions that touch upon all these areas as well as provide a forum for educators in these fields to come together.

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