I've always had a mentality of giving back to the people who made me. How to provide insight to others who might be going through similar motions or experiences that I've traveled so they can learn from my mistakes, my successes, and why certain paths were taken. One of the biggest giving back moments of my life was being a Board member for ADUG. I never got a lot of return out of it financially, as that wasn't my intent. My intent was always to give back to the open source community. In college, I was a PHP/Front-End Developer, and it gave me a perspective that I otherwise wouldn't have had, and opened my world to the collective community of Open-Source that was amazing to experience. The pure nature of developers to feel compelled to give back and be involved in their communities was something I had never experienced, and the shear scale impressed me so much. After getting in to sales/recruiting, I never forgot my roots and applied my passion to the Open-Source world through interacting with local communities like ADUG, ultimately being the President of the Board. I had the distinct pleasure of planning 5 DrupalCamps, countless monthly meetups, and all the stuff inbetween.
In this session, I'd like to discuss with others how they give back to the community to spark in others how they could potentially give back in their own way through other's experiences. Whether technical, documentation, speaking at camps/cons/meetups, encouraging others to join DA, develop YouTube walk-throughs...any way they are involved so we can help other junior developers/themers in Drupal get their legs under them through the experiences of the Drupal Community.
Schedule Overview
Friday, October 18
Concurrent Sessions | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
View the ScheduleAfter-Party | 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
We get together to enjoy some food, beverages and great conversations with other Drupalers.
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